Friday, April 21, 2006

I finally can talk about it:
We were suppose to have Talicee before Easter. She was suppose to be dressed in her frilly dress, hairbows and shiny shoes. She was suppose to have her own Easter basket. As you can see this did not happen. I have had a hard time with this. I want my baby. I just knew if I saw a baby on Easter, I would just cry. We played it pretty low and went out of town. Anyway, I am over it now.
We had our fingerprints redone on April 7th. I got a new 171-H on Monday. It will still expire on October 24th, 2006. For those of you who do not know what this special piece of paper is, let me tell you. It is our permission to bring back one child from China. This is a cherished piece of paper. I have already copied it and put the original and the copy in the file to take to China. It is a must have. Don't leave home without it.
It has been Spring Break for us this week. They boys were away at the grandparents for 3 days. Then back to their ball schedules and everything else they have to do. They really enjoyed their down time. Randy and I enjoyed our time alone. It is nice every once and a while to be away from the boys.
Rumors, Rumors, Rumors:
Usually by now the rumors are all over the board. Next week is the end of the month and that is when referrals are usually sent. Well, nothing really to report. Some are saying that the referrals will go to the 3rd and some say the 6th. Of course, we are the 9th. Always a day late and a dollar short. Our agency has on their website that they are confident that the referrals will go through the 3rd. I can't understand why they can not do to the 10th in April, the 20th in May and the 30th in June. This would put them back on schedule. What do I know. I just am a planner.
Anyway, I do not think we are in this referral batch. I would have loved to travel with my friend Beth. I have never met her other than email. But I know she would have made the trip more exciting. She is getting a referral this month. Yeah, I am so excited for her. We should get a referral at the end of May. (I hope) This will make our wait 11 1/2 months. Far cry from the 6-8 months which we were originally told. This would make us traveling in July. This is a great time for the kids. We are through with all of the baseball activities and just waiting for everything to start August 1st. This is actually our down time during the summer. Randy will have a big project to be done, but we have hire someone who can handle that. So, God's timing has been perfect. Of course, nothing is set in stone. We would be really surprised if we got a referral this month. Only God and CCAA know who is included. I am not having the feeling that we are getting a referral this time.
We should be seeing some referral pictures in the next week or show. I will update my favorite blogs with the websites when I get their referrals. I am so excited for all of the early Juners. I love to see these pictures. I just cry from happiness.
Our time is coming. We still have a little wait. Each day brings us closer and closer to Talicee. Please keep praying for her, her birth parents and the Landes'. God knows when she will come to us. It is all in his timing.

1 comment:

Beth and Shayna said...

I am so glad you can talk about things right now as that can help with the emotional roller coaster we are all on. I wish I could travel with you as well, but you can travel with me in spirit whenever I go to China. Looks like referrals next week, but hang in there yourself. To think, once CCAA comes back from holiday they will be working matching on you with Talicee. I know it seems far away, but you are closer than you think! Hugs, Beth