Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It is official:
The CCAA has updated their site. The new cutoff date is June 6th. That means that they did 4 days worth of families. June 1st was a holiday and the 4th and 5th were the weekend dates. So they are still doing very little. Once again we are a day late and a dollar short. We missed the cutoff by 3 days.
Some of the boards have polls to see how many have certain LID dates. We are LID 6/9 and there are a lot of 6/9. So who knows if we will make it next month. If they do 4 days again, we will be barely make it. This is just so heart wrenching. At this rate, it will be forever before we get to China.
I guess we will be waiting another 30 days to see what happens. I just don't get my hopes up anymore. I am at the point that if I get a referral, then this would be great. If not, then the wait and the numbness goes on.
I am so very happy for all of my fellow June Jitterbugs that received word last nite that they are getting a referral. I can't wait to see all of the little faces on the web. I wish all of them well on their new referrals.
Once again we are in the waiting stage. Keep praying for Talicee, her birth parents and for us as a family. The wait is getting harder. It is in God's own timing.


Beth and Shayna said...

I know you are next sweetie. The way CCAI counts things is that they still count weekends and days and I dont remember June 1 being a holiday. So, I would think they would do June 7-11 at the very least. I am thinking of you.

Vicki said...

You are next! I know just how you feel. I am so sorry. I wish I could take the pain away. Thanks for your support! CAlifornai Vicki