Friday, March 06, 2009


This is the tv that I had when I went off to college. That was was over 20 years ago. Since all tvs are going digital, I need to say god bye to my faithful friend.

Hello new friend. Longaberger made this new under counter tv happen. We earn points for things we do in the company. I have a lot of points I need to use before June. So this was another free item. Remember my nikon camera, it was free too. Does it make you want to join my team?

Miss Talicee being silly with a net bag she found.

Another day in princess land

Learning to ride her tricycle. It was beautiful today

1 comment:

Susan Appleton said...

Didn't you just LOVE this weather this weekend? I actually wore shorts! hahahahahahahaha It felt so good to be outside and loving the weather! I like your t.v.! Cool! How did you get into longerberger???Sounds like a smart career move! Do they have reps here in Danville????