Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Randy and I set off on our mini vacation today. Well, as many of my family know I HATE TUNNELS AND BRIDGES. When we were in Tampa, Florida, I closed my eyes as we went over that huge bridge. Well today, I did not realize that the trip I planned had the tunnel and the huge bridge in the plans. The bridge was nothing like the Tampa one, but still it was a bridge. The tunnel was another problem. As we began to enter, my body just quit working. My hand was clutched so tight on the door that it has finger nail marks in it.

I am alive and here and I am going to enjoy my time. Sunday I will have endure the tunnel and bridge again. Maybe I will breath this time.

We are actually having a great time. Tomorrow we will cruise the harbor and see all of the ships.

Now you can laugh at me. Randy has made so much fun of me and my fear. Oh well, I am alive, that is all that matters.


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