Friday, December 17, 2010


Every Christmas we do a day of baking our favorite Christmas items. We began at 9:00 am and I finished up at 9:00 pm. The kids had a great time working on their item. Our regular scheduled day for the baking day was Saturday, but due to the snow day and everyone being home, we did it on Thursday.

We had our second snowfall in the month of December. If this is what winter is looking like, then we are in trouble again. Talicee and Kendal played in the snow. Carley would not have anything to do with it. Kendal cried when she had to come in for lunch. Kendal loves the snow. Trevor and Talicee played for hours in the snow. They had friends come up and play with them.

We have a packed weekend. I will post pictures of the weekend later. Enjoy the pics for now.


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