Thursday, March 22, 2007


I want time to slow down now. I remember when I was little how time would slowly go by. What happened?

Miss Talicee has been home in the USA for 8 months now. Boy, what changes are we experiencing. She is now walking. She really started walking last weekend. She was slowly getting to the walking point. She would cruse the furniture and stand alone. But never move to the walking position. Now she goes everywhere.

The other day she went upstairs to her room. I did not hear anything for a while and went up to check on her. I found her sitting by her book basket reading books. While in order to get there, she has totally emptied her pj drawer. The clothes were everywhere. This seems to be an ongoing deal with her. She has been in time out for it and that seems not to bother her. She can destory a room in oh, about 2 seconds. She is so much more destructive than the boys. Nothing is safe in this house.

I also have a very creative little girl. She seems to find every pencil or pen we have in the house. I found her the other day in my bedroom. I happen to turn around to head out and noticed that I had very different looking walls. She had taken a pencil and written all over the wall. We have an ongoing growth chart on our door in our bathroom. She loves to take her pen or pencil and pretend that she is measuring her height and write it down. She is just so smart.

We have cuddle time at bed time. Miss Talicee will get into my bed and we will read or work on our speech. She loves to do this. After about 30 minutes of this, she will then want me to do itsy, bitsy spider and our china little piggy song. I know that she is ready for bed when this happens.

She has become quiet the ham around here. She is becoming more settled in. She just laughs and laughs all of the time. She is beginning to say things that we say. Guess we must watch what we say. LOL Her word for this week is NO. She says it so cute. Tyler will make her say it and say it. She does understand what it means too.

I give God all of the glory for this little girl. She is bring such joy to our family.

Journey to me has been updated. Let me know if you can not see the slide show of Miss Talicee falling asleep.


Beth and Shayna said...

Happy 8 months. Time is flying by way too fast. She is such a cutie!

Marcy Dunaway said...

Hi! I am a friend of Beth and Shayna's. I have had Talicee in my prayers...I am so glad to see she is better and back to her sweet self! Love the sleep pictures!