Saturday, March 31, 2007


If you have been following my blog then you have read about Brea. She is the little girl on the right hand side of my blog that I have Pray For. Well, yesterday they got the word that she will be getting a donor heart as soon as possible. I just checked her blog and they have no new updates, so I am assuming that she is in the OR right now. What a blessing this has been for them.

Now the sad news. Brea's heart is coming from out of state. The are in AK. In order for her to get this heart, as you know, something must have happened to another little one. Please pray for this donor family also. No words could describe their loss. Let peace be with them and know that their child helped another child live a good christian life.

God has a reason for everything that happens. We will never know those answers until we meet him. Many trials we have to bare along our way to his precious place.

Keep praying for everyone involved in this little girls life.

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