Sunday, July 13, 2008


On our way to Tennessee today, we stopped by the college that I graduated from. I went to Virginia Intermont College in Bristol, VA. I graduated in 198??????????????. Well lets put it this way, way too long ago. I thought it would be nice to show the kids where I went to school. They get to see where Randy went to school all of the time because that is where their grandparents live.

Trevor was taken back by it. It is a very small private Baptist college. We actually walked around the whole campus in about 30 minutes. I showed them each building and what I did in each one. They really liked the dorms. I wished we could have gone in and I could have showed them my room. They would not believe how small they were.

All in all they were impressed. Now they can say they have seen and toured the college that mom went too.

Can you tell I have high speed in the hotel and I love it. Makes updating the blog so much easier. Enjoy the slides of my college.

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