Friday, December 19, 2008


Ok, what day is it anyway. We have had a whirlwind of a week. I think Monday was the only normal day we had. I truely can not remember.

Tuesday, Miss Talicee has preschool. Yes, another birthday party of school. She has had a birthday party everyday during shcool. While she was in school, I ran a few errands. Came home and she was not ready for a nap. Randy was home due to it raining, so I asked him to put her down. I did not sleep well, so I was going to take a nap. In between me napping and Randy putting her down for her nap, she took it upon herself to put herself to bed. Yes, she is still in a crib. She can get out when the rail is down, but not when up. I still like it when I am sure where she is. The pictures show what she has in her bed with her. She hardly had any room to move.

After she rushed home from dance, Trevor had to be school for his steel drum performance. It was so cute. I will put pictures up later of that. He really enjoyed doing this.

Wednesday was errands day again and getting ready for my party on Thursday. Miss Talicee is really out of her routine and we can tell. She just cries over anything. I know you were shocked with the previous picture of her screaming her head off. You know she is always happy (NOT).

Thursday, Miss Talicee had her preschool party. All of the kids were dressed for Christmas. They ate all of their food and this is very unusual. They made reindeer food to put out on Christmas Eve. Miss Talicee loved opening the teacher's presents. Both teachers loved their gifts. Well, off to get home and get ready for my party. Miss Talicee was so tired, that before I got out of the parking lot at preschool, she was asleep.

I had dinner for my Longaberger branch on Thursday night. It was so nice just to sit and enjoy their company and not talk business. They seemed to enjoyed it.

After waking up at 2:00 am, to the crying of a cat outside that sounded like Miss Talicee, I got my day started. I actually had a migraine yesterday, so today I am moving very slow. The morning was very slow. I hate having a migraine, but after getting sick, I was fine. Thank goodness. Off we go to Trevor's party at school. His teacher is leaving after today to go on bed rest for her pregnancy. So instead of Christmas gifts, we gave her baby gifts. She was so excited. Trevor had so much food to eat. Miss Talicee dug right in with all of them. Afterwards, the class played musical gift. The boys went first. It is like musical chairs, but instead when the music stops you get the gift you are in front of. The gifts were school supplies. Trevor loved his present. He is always happy with what he gets.

After dark tonight, we are going to look at Christmas light since it finally has quit raining. I think depression was setting in on me because of a week of rain and clouds. Much better now. A local church is doing a live Navity scene tonight. I hope the kids like it.

Saturday, we have Miss Talicee's dance recital and Christmas with friends. Sunday is a little slow. Yeah

I was looking at my calendar for next week, and it looks a lot calmer. We have church service and then a Christmas party at friends later on Christmas Eve and then home all day on Christmas. We will travel during the weekend.

I am at the point that I can say that I can relax now and enjoy the holidays. At my house things change every minute.

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