Monday, February 16, 2009


Trying to tie the string on my leg

Got it

Miss Chocolate Face

Mom would like goldfish or chocolate?

Randy created these for our dinner

He also made these
Valentine's Day was really scaled down this year due to sickness and of course the ecomony. Randy grilled steaks for us for dinner, while I laid on the couch and watched Madagascar 2. He also made this great cookies with these sayings. After dinner we watched Made of Honor. I could not believe that he wanted to watch a chick flick. Of course, I had taken a cocktail of drugs for my cold and was having a hard time staying awake. But I did. It was a great Valentine's Day due to all of the circumstances.
Not many pictures this week. Been in bed since Wednesday. Hopefully, I am on the mend.


Susan Appleton said...

I am so sorry that you have been sick! Girl, I am in the same boat! I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and they told me I had fluid behind both ears, and swollen tonsils. They gave me antibiotics and I took all of those.....thought I'd be better but now I have a HORRIBLE cough, my ears hurt off and on along with my I go to the doctor again?????? I've been plugging away going to work and teaching 5th graders all day feeling like I could just curl up under my desk and go to sleep....
I hope things break soon and I can rid of this. Our kitchen counter looks like yours with all of the medicines too! Hang in there girl and know that your buddy here in Danville is suffering right along with you!!!!! I wish I had someone making ME homemade chicken soup!!!! Lucky ducky!
I hope we BOTH get better soon!

Beth and Shayna said...

That stinks you have been so sick. But Miss T is so cute, I am sure she makes you feel better!