Friday, May 22, 2009


Yesterday was Miss Talicee's last day of 2 day preschool. Where has the year gone? I looked at your papers yesterday and compared them to the beginning of the school year. My how she has grown. Her writing, coloring, ABC and numbers have come along so good. Considering she was the youngest and the smallest in her class, she stuck with the kids. I am so proud of her.

Emotions, Emotions. I have been working on getting pictures and things ready for Tyler's grauation party this weekend. Lets say I have cried everyday. Today has been a very hard day. Miss Talicee has her year end program at preschool and Tyler headed off this morning for a weekend of 4 wheel riding before his party. Everything seems to be the last of something. The next few weeks are going to be very emotional. We have awards ceremony, graduation practice and then graduation. Oh, I AM NOT READY. Emotions everywhere.

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