Tuesday, May 17, 2011


A few weeks ago I opened up on the blog of what was really going on in our life. Yes, I was surprised that I did it. But I had a sense of relief when I did. I got it off of my chest. I am embarassed that life has taken this turn. In hind sight, I saw it coming. Life was too good, it had to end but I did not want to see it. Hey, it did and we are finally digging out of it.

After a few months of redoing Randy's business, we are finally on track to make the business start making money again. No we will not be billionaires, but at least we will be out of debt. Yes, we are in debt. It would not surprise me to know that 99.9% of the world is in debt, but choose to wear the mask that we were wearing. No, not real people.

As for me, my babies will be leaving on May 26th. It will be a sad day, but after weeks of thinking, crying, thinking and worrying, things will work out. God had a plan and he let me in on it a little bit. I will now have my summer's off. Something that I have missed with my kids. They grow so fast. I now can go on little trips with them, that I could not do before. I can get my house really cleaned like I need to. I can sleep in (right). I can just relax and not have to be on call all day long with my kids and the kids I keep. So see, there was a plan, I just could not see it at the time.

I do have a job beginning August 15th. I will be keeping a teacher's children. Yes, I have all the days that my kids have now off. The pay is 1/2 of what I was making, but hey it is a job. Another one of God's plans. When I sit back and take my feelings out of a situation, I can see where God is leading me. No, I will not have an income during the summer, but God will provide for us.

Randy goes for his second interview for the part time job he interviewed for a couple of weeks ago. If he passes the physical part then he will be offered the job. Good thing it was not passing mental part. I see fail for sure on that one .LOL After that he needs to get his hazmat and doubles for driving a tractor trailer and he can start getting experience to get a job where they pay the insurance and incentives. We have never had this on his side, so it will be nice for someone else to pay these things. Oh, he will have to pass TSA requirements. We should know something in about 2 weeks. So continue to pray for this. It is only parttime, but it will make up for the lost wages from my babysitting. See there is the other plan from God. Did not see that at first.

I thank God for allowing us to experience this situation. Yes, I said I thank God for it. If he had not taken us down this path, Randy and I may not be together today. Life has been rough for us personally and professionally. God took us by the shirt collar and said this has to stop. So the business was about to fail and our marriage was going right along with it. God has made way for us even though we can not see through the fog right now. We have learned to live on very little. I scope out all of the free stuff offered. We have learned to eat more at home. It is a treat to eat out now for us. We can pay our bills on time, nothing left, but they are paid and those horrible collection people do not call us. They are just down right mean people. I have come across some people in my life lately that would just be perfect for these jobs. Anyway, I am so thankful for the slap in the face from God.

I will never be a millionaire, but I will know how to live and have a happy life. Money is not everything. Life is too short to sweat the little things. God is in control and no matter how much you think that you are, which I am a control freak, he will never let you take control. Oh you may think so, but your control will end when you never think it will. So my faith is still in my God. We have a long road ahead of us, but each day the silver lining is a little bit shinner. We may never know why we were dealt this situation, but god knows. He will take care of us.

Stay tuned until the next installment from God.


1 comment:

Sue Lucas said...

Kim That is an awesome testimony to just how GREAT our God is.You are a blessed family and I know for a while it did not look that way but you know you are .There is that one thing in my life that I still do not understand and it still hurts( you know who and what I mean) but God told me it was not me that there are some MEAN people out there that fool a lot of people but they do not fool Him !!!
You know who has your back and who knows what you need and when and He will never forsake you or let you down !